
This is a blog born from an initiative to offer insights and useful tips to defend our savings from unjust taxes, bad finance and bad investments.
Not just social networks. The network has long been full of bloggers. We believe that social media - including investment forums and blogs - are a positive innovation with a view to faster and more direct dissemination of information. We would like to see consumers consult social media or blogs more frequently. These channels are not yet considered a reliable source of information – yet our blog has managed to emerge and boast a prominent place in the financial information landscape.
Every financial instrument can be good or bad, based on how much consideration you put to using it. Our platform is dedicated to payday loans, and those need to be handled responsibly – so we created a blog where we share our best budget-planning advice. We help you make better decisions as far as the savings, investments and expenses go, and show you how quality of life can be available even with low income, thanks to accurate planning and a responsible use of readily available financial tools, such as credits and loans.